Monday, February 1, 2016

Just finished the Anthrax Protocol by James Thompson

I am going to give this book two thumbs up - I guess I need to come up with a rating system.

I have to preface this and say, that I generally love this genre of fiction - death is my thing.

And I love outbreaks of diseases - and then spying and crooked U.S. officials- so this book was up my alley.

It started off in the past, at the time of Montezuma's death and then fast forward until today.  At that point the book was a roller coaster - you have the CDC, Navy, Army, USARMID, and mercenaries - not to mention a tribe of Mexicans that were the descendants of those that survived the original outbreak.

I have to say Lauren, the archeologist was a bit of a enigma to me- she was the one telling the team that they needed to go to the village of the survivors to get the blood samples - so they could come up with a treatment and vaccine for the plague - but she didn't know what a MRE or the CDC was?

And I have to admit I didn't like the mercenaries - I'm glad they killed blade in the jungle - that is a soulless human - and they even become heroes in their own right by taking at the evil Colonel and General!

I will definitely be looking for more books by this author and I want to thank him, his publisher - Pinnacle Books and Kensington Publishing Corp. for allowing me to read this book!

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