Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Palace Library

Well I just finished this read.  I have to say that I liked it - and I can't wait to read the sequel.  It was reminiscent of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe in some ways - however, it isn't.

If you like reading books without a "heavy" religious overtone - this one is more that style.  They do mention "praying" at one point - but in no reference to any particular deity.  Of course the characters are English, and this was in the early 1900's - so it is safe to say it was God of the Christian belief.

I loved the description of the dog in the painting, Sophie - Eleanor first pets her - and finds the library - she has to convince her two elder cousins that the Library exists.  Turns out that their uncle is part of a council, that is "based in all ages" - so the three of them go back in time to make another sword - Sword of State for the English monarchs. 

We have dragons, and dwarves in the book - and magic - also spies and treachery.

I think it is very clean and appropriate for school age children - Amazon recommends 8 to 12 year olds.

I want to thank the great people at Netgalley for allowing me the pleasure of reading this book.  And the publishers and author of course!  Can't wait to read the sequel!

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